Ephrata Middle & Intermediate School LEO Club

Sponsored by the Baron Stiegel Lions Club, the EMS LEO Club was formed on November 27, 2007, and was officially chartered on February 26, 2008.  The LEO Club draws its members from the Ephrata community.  Member age requirements fall between ages 12 to 14.  The letters LEO stand for:

LEO Club Objective: "To provide the youth of the world an opportunity for the development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national, and international community."

LEO History: When the first LEO Club was organized in 1957, its purpose was clear:  Give young people an opportunity, through partnership with Lions, to develop as responsible, service-minded individuals.  In recognition of their importance as a Lions Club service to youth, LEO Clubs were formally adopted as an official program of Lions Clubs International in 1967.  LEO Clubs are a Lions service to youth in the truest sense.  Sponsored only by Lions Clubs and governed by a standard constitution, they are open to young men and women of good character of all races and creeds.  Modeled on their parent organization, LEO Clubs help young people grow as leaders and generous human beings while providing an invaluable service to the community. 

LEO Contact Information:
LEO Web Site:   www.baronstiegellions.org
E-mail:   emsleo@merkey.com
Telephone: Craig Merkey, Advisor - 717-406-7056